The best nutrition for babies is breast milk

Only breast milk contains all the necessary components for the proper growth and development of а baby.

We help those mothers who have insufficient or no breast milk at all. Using years of experience in the manufacturing of dry dairy products and infant formula, we produce adapted milk powder under our own brand NUPPI.

<strong>Questions & Answers</strong>
Moms about NUPPI
<strong>For Parents</strong>
Useful information
<strong>AS Solbritt</strong>
Factory NUPPI
<strong>NUPPI GOLD</strong>
Premium formula

<strong>Where to buy</strong> 
Retail and online stores
<strong>Preparation method</strong>

NUPPI products are made of high-quality raw materials purchased in EU according to the latest international standards.

All our products are manufactured with care and attention to the most demanding and sensitive consumers – our children.

NUPPI: the art of helping mothers!

<strong>NUPPI </strong>
Standard formula
<strong>NUPPI EMA</strong>
Nutrition for pregnant and lactating women

Почему детские смеси нумеруются и что означают цифры 1, 2, 3 на упаковке

Чтобы вам было легче подобрать детское питание в соответствии с возрастом вашего малыша, молочные смеси имеют цифровое обозначение.