Our mothers and children

NUPPI milk formulas are produced in the ecologically clean area named Rapla situated in Estonia.
The history of the milk processing plant AS Solbritt dates back to 1939. Then it gathered milk from the neighbouring farms and manufactured dairy products form it. Nowadays, after a complete modernisation of the plant, we produce dry adapted infant formula for children from birth to three years, as well as milk drinks for pregnant and lactating mothers.

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Preparation and storage of infant formula

Some mothers don’t follow the instructions while preparing the formula. Here are the main possible mistakes.

Main mistakes

Preparation method

Frequently asked questions

 If you have any other questions please send them to us using this feedback form. We will be happy to answer!

Questions & Answers

Смешанное вскармливание

Почему наличие в смеси так важно и для чего он нужен ребенку.

Во время внутриутробного развития плод получает своей мамы, после рождения —из грудного молока. Однако, его содержание варьируется в зависимости от рациона питания беременной и кормящей женщины. Если вы не кормите грудью, то единственным источником лютеина становится детское питание, а для новорожденных и детей до года — это молочные смеси.

помогает правильно формировать зрение и поддерживать здоровье глаз у новорожденных.

Читать подробнее

Probiotics and prebiotics in baby food

It’s very important for first-year-of-life babies to develop gut microbiome, as it shapes their metabolic and immune-related health. There are two supplements that can boost your baby’s microbiome: probiotics and prebiotics. Probiotics are live bacteria and yeasts that are good for digestive system. Prebiotics are not bacteria (it’s a special form of dietary fibre), but they provide the food source that probiotics need to survive.

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Why infant formulas are numbered

Infant formulas have numbers so you could easily choose the proper one according to your baby’s age. Usually they are numbered with 1, 2 or 3. Formulas with a ‘1’ are suitable from birth up to 6 months, formulas with a ‘ 2’ are suitable from 6 up to 12 months, and toddler milk drinks with a ‘3’ are suitable from 12 months up to 3 years.
What is the difference between starting formulas, follow-on formulas and toddler milk drinks?

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NUPPI GOLD 3 for children reached 12 months of age

Milk drinks of stage 3 were specifically formulated for toddlers who may require additional energy or nutrients. NUPPI GOLD 3 also partially replace cow or goat milk in your child’s diet.

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